How We Ensure Quality in Every Handbag We Make - Urban Expat

How We Ensure Quality in Every Handbag We Make

At Urban Expat, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality handbags that are not only stylish but also eco-friendly. We understand that when it comes to buying a new handbag, quality is one of the most important factors for our customers. That's why we take great pride in ensuring that every handbag we make is of the highest quality. In this blog, we will share with you how we ensure quality in every handbag we make.

Our materials

The materials we use play a significant role in the quality of our handbags. At Urban Expat, we use vegan leather, which is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional leather. Our vegan leather is made from a variety of materials, including cork, pineapple fibers, and recycled plastic bottles. These materials are not only eco-friendly but also durable and long-lasting.

We take great care in selecting our materials to ensure that they meet our high standards. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure that the materials we use are of the highest quality. Before we begin manufacturing our handbags, we thoroughly inspect the materials to ensure that they meet our standards.

Our manufacturing process

Our manufacturing process is another critical aspect of ensuring quality in every handbag we make. We use a combination of handcrafting and machine manufacturing to create our handbags. Our skilled artisans handcraft each bag, paying close attention to every detail. We use the latest technology in our manufacturing process, including computer-aided design (CAD) and computer numerical control (CNC) machines, to ensure precision and accuracy in every bag we produce.

We have a rigorous quality control process in place that begins before the manufacturing process even starts. Our materials are thoroughly inspected before they are used in the manufacturing process. During the manufacturing process, we have several checkpoints where our skilled artisans inspect the handbags to ensure that they meet our high standards. We also use specialized equipment to test the durability of our handbags.

Our quality control process does not end with the manufacturing process. Once the handbags are completed, we conduct a final inspection to ensure that they meet our standards. We do not ship any handbag that does not meet our high-quality standards.

Our team

Our team is made up of highly skilled artisans and designers who are passionate about creating high-quality handbags. We believe that our team is one of the most critical factors in ensuring the quality of our handbags. Our artisans and designers are trained to pay close attention to every detail and ensure that each handbag is made to perfection.

We also have a dedicated customer service team that is committed to ensuring that our customers are satisfied with their purchase. Our customer service team is available to answer any questions or concerns that our customers may have. We believe that excellent customer service is an essential part of building trust with our customers.

Our commitment to sustainability

At Urban Expat, we are committed to sustainability. We believe that it is our responsibility to create products that are not only high quality but also environmentally friendly. Our use of vegan leather is just one example of our commitment to sustainability. We also use recycled materials in our packaging to reduce our environmental impact.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our sustainability practices. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing waste in all areas of our business.

Our customer feedback

We value our customers' feedback and believe that it is an essential part of ensuring the quality of our handbags. We encourage our customers to provide us with feedback on their experience with our handbags. We use this feedback to improve our products and manufacturing process continually.

We are proud of the positive feedback we have received from our customers. Our customers consistently comment on the quality of our handbags and the attention to detail that goes into each bag.


In conclusion, at Urban Expat, we are committed to ensuring the highest quality in every handbag we make. We believe that our commitment to using eco-friendly materials, our rigorous quality control process, our skilled team, our dedication to sustainability, and our customer feedback are all essential factors that contribute to our success in creating high-quality handbags that our customers can trust.

We are proud of our commitment to quality and sustainability, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve and innovate. We hope that by sharing our process and values, we have given you confidence in choosing Urban Expat as your go-to brand for stylish, eco-friendly, and high-quality handbags. Thank you for your trust and support.


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